January 24, 2012

Amazing Tuesday top 10

~Ten things that remind me of all of the amazingness that surrounds me ~

A beautiful sunny day following piles of snow.
My Mother's birthday is today 1/24, Happy Birthday Marm!!! We love you!!!
nearing quilt completion
Despite all of the free-flow parenting advice, I survive with schedules and routine...and so do my kids
Kate Spain's Good Fortune. Worth going into debt for!
This gadget (see last picture above) which makes binding Oh So Easy sent, I'm convinced, straight from God.
Watching my son create a "sewing" game with pine needles and little holes he found at the bottom of the slide.
Disappearing ink pen...great for quilting and writing spy letters
A day without pay traded for precious time together, worth so much more.
The words, "I want you to be happy." told to me gently in my ear. Oh, I am.

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