May 22, 2013

Just listening

At this point in my quilt-making process I am learning that all I have to do is ... listen. 
The squares have been cut....

  The squares have been sewed together and the back has been sized and sewn...

The basting is done and everything fits...

 And now I listen. Yeah, it's a little *woo woo* but I believe if I observe the fabrics, their colors, the pattern in which they are sewn together, and even the back, the quilting pattern - the pattern that best fits this particular quilt - will appear organically. And in fact inspiration comes at any time because the first sketch of the quilting pattern was done on the back of our family grocery list. Wonky, free-motion, squares and rectangles, yes.

The only issue with this pattern is, well, it's, uh, involved. But I know in my heart it's the best match for this quilt and it's going to look Bitchen' and that's what's most important.

Kids, plug your ears. Mama needs to turn this up.

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