March 9, 2012

Sew Mod

 Here it is, hot off the presser foot - my first modern stripe! - (please ignore the lime green basting stitches) - If you know my level of obsessive perfection, modern quilting is very far removed from my quilting comfort zone. You mean, there's no straight line to follow while sewing? You mean, I just cut and sew the pieces together with no pre-measureing? Yeeps! Well, this stripe worked out great, I used the last of the batik material, and I was able to extend the black backing that was originally too small to fit. Huh. Modern and handy.

I LOVE modern quilting, let me stress this. I am, at times, thrown back in my chair in awe and amazement of some of the modern quilts out there, oh my. In a way they seem more impressive to me than traditional quilts because of their incredible level if improvisation. It's also fun to witness an art form like quilting evolve. Modern quilts are fresh, different, and uniquely individual, I love this especially. I have yet to see a pattern which exactly duplicates a modern quilt. And best of all, modern quilting has brought the word "wonky" into daily conversation.

Here's the front of the Elements table runner, basted and ready to quilt. It's far from Modern and hardly wonky, but it has that improved stripe on the back...that's a start, eh?


Catherine said...

I just adore this!!

Cutie and Company Quilts said...

Thank you Catherine. I love your log cabin quilt, very cool!