November 17, 2011


This week I took a detour to make a scrappy table runner with the Farmyard fabric scraps.  It has two purposes - 1) to sit on the table for Thanksgiving and 2) to be something I can use to practice machine quilting.

I have been inspired by a blog in which quilts are made on a sewing machine like I have. Her quilts are amazing, modern, and beautifully quilted. I'm excited to get going!

The goal of machine quilting has been a little ominous I have to say.  There are times I feel my creative voice shutting down. There are times I imagine giving up on this whole operation. And there are times I give myself a hard time for not working towards completing these quilt tops in a speedy manner. I have worked so hard on these beautiful quilt tops that I am afraid to ruin them, that's the holdup. At the same time, I am getting itchy with excitement anticipating having them on etsy. More importantly, I'm excited to learn something new that will take my creative voice to a new decibel.

All the machine quilting literature says, "Practice, Practice, Practice." Sigh, okay, I will.

In a sense, this is a great time of year to learn machine quilting. I can make hot pads, table runners, bath mats, and hot water bottle cozies (lol). Whatever I make for practice teaches me machine quilting and the items can be given as gifts. Maybe it's just a reminder that this is absolutely what I am supposed to be doing and where I am supposed to be.

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