It's going to be a good year, I can feel it. My first quilt finish of this new year involves something I usually don't do - use pink. Nothing against pink, I just always gravitate towards bold, dark, cooler colors, retro patterns and anything techie. But this quit has made me fall in love with soft pink mixed with spring green. What a wonderful combo, like peanut butter and jelly, or milk and cookies.
This is one of those cases where I like the back of the quilt just as much as the front. Tailor Made pink waves (cute!) atop Out To Sea pink mermaids (cute, cute!). This mermaid print is fairly large so it works well as a back panel.
This quilt is for a baby girl named Sofia. She was conceived through in-vitro fertilization and she is nothing shy of a miracle. Her parents waited and tried 8 years to have a baby. In the beginning, she had a brother to accompany her in the womb but he passed away early on in the pregnancy. He became her angel in their warm silent world, giving her more room to grow and showering her with golden light. Sofia fought hard and she was born at 30 weeks. She has been in the neonatal unit for about 6 weeks now and she's almost 6 pounds. Let's just say, this little girl deserves a beautifully crafted quilt that celebrates the divine feminine power to grow and flourish. Bless your heart Sofia, and if you can read this, we are so glad you are here.